Booxi Alerts

In-app notifications for upcoming changes or specific events that require action.

Booxi generates in-app notifications to notify merchants of upcoming booking changes and when bookings require a merchant's attention or action. Alerts are displayed in the Back Office and Mobile Application.

Appointment alerts

  • Appointment Approved Automatically

Sent when an appointment booked online by a client has been approved automatically based on a merchant’s booking rules and is set to take place within the next 24 hours.

Recipient: personnel assigned to the appointment.

  • Appointment Approved by the Client

Sent when an appointment requiring client confirmation and taking place within the next 24 hours has been confirmed by the client.

Recipient: personnel assigned to the appointment.

  • Appointment Cancelled

Sent when a client cancels an appointment; no time constraint applied.

Recipient: personnel assigned to the appointment.

  • Appointment Approval Required

Sent when a client books online and the appointment must be manually approved by the personnel assigned to the appointment.

Recipient: personnel assigned to the appointment.

  • Appointment To Dispatch

Sent when an appointment is booked without selecting a staff and requires personnel dispatch.

Recipient: account owner.

  • Appointment Scheduled

Sent when a client books an appointment online whose time needs to be confirmed by its assigned personnel.

Recipient: personnel assigned to the appointment.

  • Appointment Rescheduled

Sent when a client modifies an appointment and the change must be approved by its assigned personnel.

Recipient: personnel assigned to the appointment.

  • Appointment Completed

Sent when an appointment is automatically completed.

Recipient: personnel assigned to the appointment.

For more information about alerts, see here.