Booxi Architecture

Learn about Booxi's key concepts and how it can apply to your business needs.

This document provides an overview of Booxi's architecture. The below definitions will help you familiarize yourself with the different concepts Booxi is built from.



Head Office

The Head Office is a web interface to manage master users, service offer, booking rules and perform batch operations to all your merchant accounts from a centralized point. 


A Head Office is usually deployed for brands who manage multiple stores locations. To ease the management of country related metadata such as currency, taxes and local rules, we  recommend the deployment of a Head Office for each country a brand is doing business in. Based on business needs, other applications may be suggested.



Merchants are Booxi accounts that represent a store, a team, a factory or any other entity in an organization. One or several accounts can be managed by the Head Office. From each merchant account, manage resources, users, staff and their availability. Information set in the Head Office, such as services and booking rules can be customized at the merchant level. 


As stated above, a Booxi merchant account can represent a store, a team, a factory or any other entity. Therefore, business applications are varied:

  • A Booxi merchant can represent a team of experts offering masterclasses or group events to promote new products.
  • A Booxi merchant can represent a brick-and-mortar store offering VIP events to their loyal customers.


Services are a product sold or service rendered to a client by an associated member of staff. As they represent the core component of a business, they are highly customizable. Services are usually managed from the Head Office but can also be created and managed at the merchant level. 

  • Service Details
    Assign each service basic information as well as more advanced options such as group capacity, price, description and survey questions. 
  • Location
    Set how each service is provided to clients, in store, at custom address or by videoconference
  • Staff Selection
    Assign staff who provide each service or let you client choose a staff or their choice.
  • Booking Rules
    Set options to further customize service booking rules such as the number of participants per reservation, additional reminder  or cancellation policy.
  • Payment Options
    Set options to collect payment (partial or whole) online, by email, on-site or integrate Booxi with your shopping cart solution.
  • Multilingual Content Support
    Booxi comes with a library of 18 languages and expending.


As core component of a business, services may be customized extensively with the help of a variety of settings and tailored to fit many business practices.

  • Multiple service types through customization.
  • Remote selling by scheduling Live Shopping sessions.
  • Training sessions for in-house personnel.
  • Free and paid services.


Resources are any item, space, machine, equipment of any sort used in the rendition of a service. Each resource can be managed through its own individual schedule.

Resources are always managed at the merchant level. 


Personnel are all employees associated with a merchant. Depending on their roles, they may be further categorized into two groups, staff and users.


Staff are personnel employed by a merchant to render one of several services and whom can be scheduled by clients. Each member of staff is assigned with a calendar, generic or personalized, in which their availabilities are set. Staff are provided access rights based on their role and function. 

  • Availability
    Set staff availability either by using a merchant's open business hours, a custom weekly schedule or an open calendar in which availability and busy time slots are defined with the possibility to create custom busy time slot. 
  • Notifications and Alerts
    Staff can receive notifications by email (primary email address and possibility to add a second email in CC) as well as alerts.
  • Access Rights
    Access rights to Booxi can be customized based on the role and function of a member of staff. To learn more about access rights, consult this article


Users are personnel with management roles such as administrator, supervisor and store managers. They also get access rights based on their role and function. Master users are usually users from the Head Quarter offices that need to have access to all merchants. Users can also be added at the merchant level. As they do not offer services, they can't be booked and do not have a calendar. 



A client is a person who has made a reservation for a service offered by a merchant. Upon booking, clients are required to provide personal information, notably first and last names, email address and phone number, which are saved in a client record along with its booking history. Clients are associated with a merchant but can also be part of a clientele shared among several merchants within the same merchant group.



An attendee is a person who is invited to participate in a group reservation booked by a client. While the client can also be an attendee, an attendee cannot be the client. Information such as first and last names, email address and phone number are collected. Such as for a client, the booking history of an attendee is stored is his record. 



Next topic: User Interfaces