Client Standard eMail Notifications

What are the different Booxi standard email notifications sent to customers?

Table of Content

What are Booxi standard eMails?

Can standard eMails be customized?

Client eMail notifications






Completion & Recall 



Additional information

ICS File Support

What are Booxi standard eMails?

Booxi standard emails are transactional emails sent out to clients and staff when a booking is created, modified or canceled. Booxi standard emails are easily deployed and do not require any configuration or setup from the merchant.

It is possible to deactivate all or some Booxi standard emails to send customized emails from a connector or any email marketing platform. Consult our Connectors section and our Event API webhook article for more information. 

Can standard eMails be customized?

Booxi’s default templates are minimalistic and straight, keeping the focus on important information and CTAs. All templates have a desktop/laptop and mobile views. 

The following elements can be customized : profile picture, business name (as configured in the Back-Office), store location information (location, phone number), service information (duration, price, etc), staff name (choice to display it or not).

Standard emails are available in all languages currently supported by Booxi


Sample of a Booxi standard email

Profile picture as per a merchant’s account.

Instructions, in light HTML, can be added to each service.

URL to survey (optional).

Store address and phone number (in detail section) can be displayed or not.

CTA as defined in the merchant’s booking rules.

Booxi logo can be displayed or not.

Legal terms as defined in a merchant’s settings.

Sender information 

The sender email is and cannot be customized while the sender name is the business name of the Booxi merchant. 

Client eMail notifications

This section lists all supported notifications sent out to clients for appointment type bookings along with a corresponding email sample. Specific settings might be required to trigger some notifications.

For an overview of the Client SMS notifications sent by Booxi, consult this article


Based on the booking rules, an appointment can be automatically approved when booked by a customer. A staff can also create an appointment directly from his calendar.

Status & Description  Sample 

Appointment confirmation

This notification is sent when an appointment is confirmed, manually or automatically (after a delay) or is created by a staff in the Back Office. 



Based on the booking rules, an appointment can be requested by a client or a staff, needing approval before being confirmed. 

Status & Description  Sample
Appointment Requested by Client, Awaiting Staff Confirmation
This notification is sent when a new appointment is booked by a client but requires approval by a staff.
Appointment Requested by Staff, Awaiting Client Confirmation
This notification is sent when an appointment is created by a staff and requires the client’s approval


An appointment can be modified by a client and a staff depending on the booking rules. 

Status & Description  Sample 

Appointment Changed by Client
This notification is sent whenever the client has changed some elements of the appointment, without requiring a confirmation from either party. 

In the booking rules, a client must be allowed to modify an appointment.


Appointment Changed by Client, Awaiting Staff Confirmation
This notification is sent when the client changes any element of an appointment and such changes require approval by a staff.

In the booking rules, a client must be allowed to modify an appointment. 

Appointment Changed by Staff
This notification is sent whenever a staff has changed some elements of an appointment and client  confirmation is not required.
Appointment Changed by Staff Requesting Client Confirmation
This notification is sent whenever a staff has changed some elements of an appointment and client confirmation is required.


It is up to the client to decide to receive reminders. 

Status & Description  Sample 

Appointment Reminder 
This notification is sent when it is time to remind the client of its appointment. 

The client must have opted to be notified by email at the time of the booking. 


Appointment Additional Reminder
This notification is sent when it is time to remind the client of its appointment for a second time. The delay can be customized per service.

The client must have opted to be notified by email. 



An appointment can be canceled by a staff and by a client depending on the booking rules. 

Status & Description Sample
Appointment Canceled by Client
This notification is sent after the client has canceled an appointment.
In the booking rules, a client must be allowed to cancel an appointment. 
Appointment Canceled by Staff
This notification is sent when an appointment has been canceled by a staff.

Completion & Recall 

Once the service has been provided, it is possible to send a Thank You message and/or a recall message to clients to book again. 

Status & Description Sample 

Appointment Completed
This notification is sent when an existing appointment was marked as completed by a staff or completed automatically. A client email address is mandatory. 

Appointment Recall
This notification is sent when it is time to remind the client to book a new appointment, if a recall was programmed.


If a payment module has been configured at the merchant level, it is possible to request payment using different options. A shopping cart integration is also available. An option allows to automatically cancel an appointment is no payment has been received. 

Unpaid Cancellation
This notification is sent when an appointment is canceled due to lack of payment at online booking, if a card info was requested or using the shopping cart integration. 

The auto-cancelation delay is by default set up to 15 minutes and can be customized. 


Pending Payment Reminder 
This notification is sent when a payment is pending or when a payment is requested from the Back Office. 

Payment must be set to “By Email” and the auto-cancelation option might be turned on or off. 

This notification is also sent if a card info was requested and the auto-cancelation is turned off. 

Invoice Receipt
This notification is sent when a payment has been processed and a Booxi receipt is provided by email.


Status & Description Sample 

Client Custom Message
This notification is sent when a custom message is drafted using the “Notify Client” feature in the Back Office. 


Additional information

Booxi notifications are suspended between 22:00 and 06:00 (merchant local time). Notifications scheduled during that interval will be postponed and sent out from 06:00.

ICS File Support

Most appointment notifications include an ICS file that can be downloaded or added to a calendar. Booxi uses the standard ICS format.


  • Email notifications including an ICS file may be filtered out as spam due to Google enhanced security. Once Booxi has been set as a trusted source, emails will no longer be filtered out.

For more information about the ICS format, please consult the following link