Booxi Video Conference for Group Reservations

A fully automated video conference solution is now available as a standard Booxi feature. Your clients will not be required to download any conferencing software, instead they will receive a link in their confirmation and /or reminder emails to join the conference.


Before using this feature, you must request its activation. Please consult with your Booxi representative.


This article will cover the following elements:

How to Enable Booxi Video Conference for a Service

You can configure any service to generate a video conference link by following these steps:

  1. In the Back Office, click on the "Service" tab in the main menu.
  2. Select a service and click on its "Service Details".
  3. Under Location, click on the dropdown menu and select "By Video Conference".
  4. If Generate video conference link is checked, Booxi will automatically create a unique link per reservation attendee. If this option doesn't appear, the video conference feature has not been activated for your account. Please consult your Booxi representative.
  5. If you wish to use a different video conference solution, simply uncheck Generate video conference link. Once uncheckeda text box will appear where you can type or copy/paste your own URL.
  6. Click on Save to keep your changes.



How to Book a Group Reservation with a Video Conference Link

When you book a group session by video conference, Booxi will generate a video conference link per attendee once the reservation is saved. The merchant video conference link is always displayed at the top. The option to use video conference is offered at the time of creating or scheduling a group session.

(change screenshot - replace save/cancel with approved)


How to Join a Video Conference as a Member of Staff

From your calendar, select the appointment or group reservation and click on "Join video conference". Booxi will open a new browser window where you will be able to connect with your clients.


How to Join a Video Conference as a Client

Clients will be able to find a video conference link in their confirmation and reminder emails. Clicking on "Join video conference" will open in a new browser tab and allow them to connect with you.


Please take note that the "join" link is unique per client and should not be shared.



Moderation is provided as an optional feature. It allows a second member of staff to join a video conference as a moderator.

Video Conference Options

The Booxi video conference solution does not require installing any software on your desktop or smartphone. However, you will need to allow Booxi Video Service to access/use your camera and microphone. 


Join a conference by following the below steps:

  1. Click on the video conference link in an appointment or group session's details.

  2. Click on Join to start the session.


 3. Select your Audio settings as well as a Video Input and click on Done.


Use the interface at the bottom of the screen to:

  • Mute /Unmute yourself
  • Enable / Disable your camera
  • Share your screen
  • Leave the conference

Screen Sharing

To share your screen (or for a client to share its screen)

  1. Click on the Share Screen icon.

  2. Select the screen you want to share and confirm by clicking on Share.


 3. Stop sharing your screen by clicking on the same icon.

 *Screen sharing is not currently available on mobile.



  • Video links are unique and can't be shared.
  • Limit of 50 people per video conference session (including the staff).


The video conference UI can be customized to better suit a brand's image or look. To know more about customizations, please consult this article.

Booxi Video Conference Compatibility Chart

  Chrome Firefox Safari Edge
Android - -
iOS * * -
Linux - -
Windows -  ✔