Configuring the Booking Widget Using URL Arguments (v2)

The Booking Widget (v2) can be preconfigured and opened upon loading a webpage. This functionality can be useful to prompt the widget for a specific store, a set or subset of services or a specific event.

To do so, a list of arguments must be passed along with the URL at which the Booking Widget will be loaded. 


Before proceeding further, make sure the below script is included on your webpage and loaded synchronously. The script’s URL depends on your hosting region, “” for North America and “” for Europe.


North America

   <script src="" sync=""></script>



   <script src="" sync=""></script>


How to Format URL Arguments

A list of arguments should be constructed as a query string starting with the character ? and each argument separated with the appropriate separator &


The below examples showcase how query strings are formatted.

<!--example with a single user-defined argument "book" used to open the 
booking widget as soon as the page is loaded -->
<!--example with a second user-defined argument "flow" assigned with the value "locations". 
This argument will be used to open the booking widget with the parameter
bookingFlow:'locations' -->


Here’s a list of parameters the booking widget can be opened with. URL arguments can be used to assign values to these parameters

Widget Parameters

Name Description

Determine the first step in the booking process. When setting the booking flow to “locations”, clients will be asked to select a store location before proceeding further with their booking.

Possible values are:

  • locations
locationTags Filter stores by location using user-defined tags.
serviceTags Filter services using user-defined tags.
serviceCategoryId Preselect a service category when opening the booking widget.
serviceId Preselect a specific service the widget will be opened with. The ID can be found in the back office under a service’s summary page.
staffId Automatically set staff ID when a service is selected. When used, a serviceId must be provided. The ID can be found in the back office under a staff’s summary page.


Opening the Widget With a List of Arguments

To open the widget with a set of arguments, the below steps must be followed:

  • Extract the arguments passed along with the URL.
  • Format arguments into a list of parameters recognizable by the widget.
  • Configure the widget with your API key.
  • Open the booking widget with your list of parameters.


Extracting Arguments from URL

Within the <body> of your webpage use <script> tags to embed  the following code. Arguments will be extracted from the query string and stored in an array.



  // Extracting arguments from the URL
  var urlArgs=[];
  var s=location.toString().split('?');

  for(i=0;i<s.length;i++) {


Format Arguments Into a List of Parameters

Then, parse each of the arguments and construct a list of parameters that will be passed to the booking widget. The parsing will vary depending on how you named your arguments and what parameters you want to pass.


  // Build a list of parameters from the arguments
  var param = {};
     (urlArgs[flow] == 'locations') ? { bookingFlow:'locations' } : null,
     (urlArgs['stores'] != '') ? { locationTags:urlArgs['stores'] } : null


Building the Configuration, Opening the Widget

Next, build the booking widget’s configuration by assigning your merchant API key. You may assign optional properties such as the button’s text and the display language at this time. Then, open the booking widget by calling the method using the parameters from the URL arguments.


   var bnHandler = null;
   window.bxApiInit = function () {

     // Configure your API key to initialize the booking widget
     bnHandler = booxiController.configure({
     apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY_HERE',
     buttonText: 'Book',
     language: 'eng'

  // Opening the booking widget with parameters from the URL arguments{null, param});



The complete code segment should be as showcased below:


  // Extracting arguments from the URL
  var urlArgs=[];
  var s=location.toString().split('?');

  for(i=0;i<s.length;i++) {

  // Build a list of parameters from the arguments
  var param = {};
     (urlArgs['flow'] == 'locations') ? { bookingFlow:'locations' } : null,
     (urlArgs['stores'] != '') ? { locationTags : urlArgs['stores'] } : null

  var bnHandler = null;
   window.bxApiInit = function () {

     // Configure your API key to initialize the booking widget
     bnHandler = booxiController.configure({
     apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY_HERE',
     buttonText: 'Book',
     language: 'eng'


  // Opening the booking widget with parameters from the URL arguments{null, param});



Use Cases

One Store Location

To open the booking widget for a specific merchant or store location, use your API key as shown below.




  var bnHandler = null;
   window.bxApiInit = function () {

     // Configure your API key to initialize the booking widget
     bnHandler = booxiController.configure({
     apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY_HERE'


  // Opening the booking widget;



All Store Locations

To open the booking widget for all merchants or stores, use your API key and set the parameter "bookingFlow" to "locations". 




  var bnHandler = null;
  window.bxApiInit = function () {

     // Configure your API key to initialize the booking widget
     bnHandler = booxiController.configure({
     apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY_HERE',
bookingFlow: 'locations'

  // Opening the booking widget;



Opening the Booking Widget Automatically 


The following example showcases how you can control if the booking widget should be opened automatically using a simple user-defined argument.


Example of URL




  // Extracting arguments from the URL
  var urlArgs=[];
   var s=location.toString().split('?');


  for(i=0;i<s.length;i++) {

  var bnHandler = null;
   window.bxApiInit = function () {

     // Configure your API key to initialize the booking widget
     bnHandler = booxiController.configure({
     apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY_HERE'

  // Open automatically if the argument book=now is passed
  if(urlArgs['book'] == 'now') {
     // Opening the booking widget with parameters from the URL arguments;



Choice of Stores Assigned with a Specific Tag (locationTags)


The example below shows how to open the booking widget with a list of store locations assigned with the location tag “downtown”.


Example of URL




  // Extracting arguments from the URL
  var urlArgs=[];
  var s=location.toString().split('?');

  for(i=0;i<s.length;i++) {

  // Parse for booking flow and location tags
  var param = {};
     (urlArgs['flow'] == 'locations') ? { bookingFlow:'locations' } : null,
     (urlArgs['stores'] != '') ? { locationTags : urlArgs['stores'] } : null

  var bnHandler = null;
  window.bxApiInit = function () {
     // Configure your API key to initialize the booking widget
     bnHandler = booxiController.configure({
     apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY_HERE'

  // Opening the booking widget with parameters from the URL arguments{null, param});



Preselect a Service and a Staff Member (serviceId & staffId)


This example shows how to open the booking widget with a specific service and a selected staff. Take note that when preselecting a staff, a serviceId MUST be provided otherwise, the booking widget will open with its default settings.


Example of URL




  // Extracting arguments from the URL
  var urlArgs=[];
  var s=location.toString().split('?');

  for(i=0;i<s.length;i++) {

  // Parse for serviceId and staffId
  var param = {};
     (urlArgs['service'] != '') ? { serviceId:urlArgs['service'] } : null,
     (urlArgs[staff] != '') ? { staffId:urlArgs['staff'] } : null

  var bnHandler = null;
  window.bxApiInit = function () {
     // Configure your API key to initialize the booking widget
     bnHandler = booxiController.configure({
     apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY_HERE'

  // Opening the booking widget with parameters from the URL arguments{null, param});



Services Assigned with a Specific Tag (serviceTags)


This example shows how to open the booking widget and list only services assigned with the tag “vip”.


Example of URL




  // Extracting arguments from the URL
  var urlArgs=[];
  var s=location.toString().split('?');

  for(i=0;i<s.length;i++) {

  // Parse for service tags
  var param = {};
     (urlArgs['type'] != '') ? { serviceTags:urlArgs['type'] } : null

  var bnHandler = null;
   window.bxApiInit = function () {

     // Configure your API key to initialize the booking widget
     bnHandler = booxiController.configure({
     apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY_HERE'

  // Opening the booking widget with parameters from the URL arguments{null, param});



Specific Service Category (serviceCategoryId)


This example shows how to open the booking widget with a preselected service category.


Example of URL




  // Extracting arguments from the URL
  var urlArgs=[];
  var s=location.toString().split('?');

  for(i=0;i<s.length;i++) {

  // Parse for a service category
  var param = {};
     (urlArgs['category'] != '') ? { serviceCategoryId:urlArgs['category'] } : null

  var bnHandler = null;
  window.bxApiInit = function () {
     // Configure your API key to initialize the booking widget
     bnHandler = booxiController.configure({
     apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY_HERE'

  // Opening the booking widget with parameters from the URL arguments{null, param});
