How to Make a Booking With a Survey Using the API

This document provides examples on how to use the Booxi booking API with survey answers.

Creating a New Appointment

A new booking can be created by simply making a POST /booking using data as shown below.

  "merchantId": YOUR_MERCHANT_ID,
  "bookingMethod": "Appointment",
  "startsOn": "2000-01-01T12:00:00Z",
  "status": "Approved",
  "staffId": YOUR_STAFF_ID,
      "serviceId": YOUR_SERVICE_ID
   "firstName": "Mike",
    "lastName": "Abbott",
    "email": ""

Creating an Appointment or Reservation With Survey Answers

The example below assumes that your webpage is displaying a survey using or a compatible service. Your survey data should be formatted as shown below. The property surveyModel can be found in the “service” object as each service can be assigned a survey. 

For more information about the “service” object, please consult the booking API OpenAPI definition under the section “schema”.

    "name": "default",
      "name": "_question1",
      "type": "checkbox",
      "title": "YOUR_QUESTION",
      "choices": ["ANSWER 1","ANSWER 2","ANSWER 3","ANSWER 4"],
      "isRequired": false

Once a survey has been filled out, will provide the answers in a JSON object. 


To create a new booking and include its survey answers, it is necessary to make a POST /booking with your data structured as shown below. Be mindful that data is structured differently for an appointment than it is for a group reservation.

Appointment Booking

For an “Appointment”, answers must be assigned to their respective items[].surveyAnswers and so for each service provided during that said appointment.

The example below showcases a “multi service” appointment with their sets of answers.

  "merchantId": 001,
  "bookingMethod": "Appointment",
  "startsOn": "2022-02-20T16:00:00Z",
  "status": "Approved",
  "staffId": 001,
      "serviceId": 1000,
      "serviceName": "Service 1",
      "price": {},
      "reservedClientTimespan": {},
      "duration": 30,
      "spacingAfter": 0,
      "isBusySpacingAfter": true
      "surveyAnswers": {"_question1":["ANSWER 2"]}
      "serviceId": 1001,
      "serviceName": "Assembly",
      "price": {},
      "reservedClientTimespan": {},
      "duration": 30,
      "spacingAfter": 15,
      "isBusySpacingAfter": false
      "surveyAnswers": {"_question1":["ANSWER 4"]}
    "firstName": "Mike",
    "lastName": "Abbott",
    "email": "",

Group Reservation Booking

In the case of a group reservation, answers must be assigned to attendees[].surveyAnswers and so for each attendee of that reservation.

The below showcases a reservation with two attendees each with their respective survey answers.

  "merchantId": YOUR_MERCHANT_ID,
  "bookingMethod": "GroupReservation",
  "groupEventId": YOUR_GROUP_EVENT_ID,
    "firstName": "Mike",
    "lastName": "Abbott",
    "email": "",
    "isAttending": true
    "firstName": "Mike",
    "lastName": "Abbott",
    "email": "",
    "isRequester": true,
    "surveyAnswers": {"_question1":["ANSWER 1"]}
    "firstName": "Laura",
    "lastName": "Flynn",
    "email": "",
    "isRequester": false,
    "surveyAnswers": {"_question1":["ANSWER 3"]}
 "clientCommunication": "ClientAndAttendees",
 "createdBy": "Client"


For more information about the API and its usage, refer to the following links:

Where can API keys be found:

  • Your Merchant API key can be found in the back office, section My Business / Business Details.
  • Your Partner API key must be requested to your Booxi Account Manager. The Partner API key must only be used in server side (backend) code to keep it a secret.