Manage Group Reservations

Learn how to manage group reservations in Booxi and how the booking process works.

Booxi allows to manage group reservations that encompasses all types of group bookings, such as masterclasses, workshops, conferences or even auctions, held on-site or online. 

Properties of a Group Reservation

In Booxi, group reservations are created and customized by editing a set of common properties. These properties are, among others, as below:

  • Capacity
  • Attendee limit per reservation
  • Limit time before: minimal amount of time a reservation must be booked in advance
  • Limit time in advance: maximum amount of time a reservation can be booked in advance
  • Location
  • Price (if applicable)
  • Duration

Create and Manage Group Events

Group events are created directly in the calendar of the staff member who will be dispensing a service. Upon creation of a group event, service details such as duration and price are inherited from the selected service. However, it is permitted to modify these details for each event individually. If an event is fully booked, it is possible to increase its capacity in the same manner. 


The copy/paste feature facilitates the creation of repeating group events. 

How to Manage Group Capacity

On each event's calendar entry, group capacity and attendance are displayed at the bottom right corner. When an event has reached its maximum attendance, its calendar entry will be highlighted in green. An event's capacity can be changed by editing its detail. Take note that the capacity cannot be reduced past the current attendance and cannot exceed 1,000 participants.



To prevent the number of places left from being displayed in the Booking Widget, deactivate the below feature at the service level.



  • Take note that when changes are made to a service, related group events created prior to such changes will not be affected. Changes are not applied retroactively.
  • Only users with manager access rights can create group events.
  • To delete a group event, all booked reservations must be deleted first before the event itself can be deleted.
  • Event capacity cannot exceed 1,000 participants.

For more detail on how to create and manage group events, consult this collection.

Booking a Reservation with the Booking Widget*


The below steps follow the default booking flow. Through settings and booking rules, merchants can customize their own booking flow. 

When prompted with the Booking widget, clients might first be asked to select a store location (if a merchant is part of a merchant group), followed by a service category (if services are categorized) and a specific service.


The following steps will vary based on the details and settings of a group event.

Attendance Selection

Clients can be asked to select the number of attendees the reservation is made for. The number is limited to a range of 1 to 15 participants. Client can opt to attend the event or not (this option is found in the client information form). Take note that if the attendee limit per reservation is set to 1 (as per a service's booking rules), this step will be skipped entirely.

On the attendance selection window, if the option "Do not send messages to all participants" is checked, notifications** will only be sent out to the client who booked the reservation. Attendees will not be notified.


Personnel Selection

Depending on how the selected service is configured, clients might be presented with a list of personnel to choose from.  The list of personnel will depend on the following rules:

  • If at least one personnel associated with the group event is available online:
    • All personnel (online) associated with the selected service will be listed along with the option "no preference".
  • If all personnel associated with the selected service are offline:
    • Personnel selection will be skipped, the Booking Widget will instead list all upcoming group events.

Take note that staff names will always be visible when booking using the Booking Widget.


Time / Event Selection

Once a personnel is selected, clients will be presented with a list of time slots and events to choose from. Once a time slot or event is selected, clients will be asked to provide their personal information as well as the information of any attendee. At that time, the client can opt to participate or not in the event by checking the option "Add me to reservation attendee list".



The last step in the booking process is to confirm the reservation details. Once confirmed, the reservation will be booked.


* Default booking flow for the Booking Widget v3.

** only applicable when using Booxi Standard emails.